Hello, just wanted to mention that I'm really pleased about reaching 100 followers on here and that people are getting to see my stuff. I really appreciate it so thank you all!
Freelance artist and professional bum.
I am currently OPEN for commissions to find out more just DM, comment or whatever.
Or find me here:
Butt Doctor
The Universe
Joined on 12/1/18
Posted by LettuceHeadz - January 31st, 2021
Hello, just wanted to mention that I'm really pleased about reaching 100 followers on here and that people are getting to see my stuff. I really appreciate it so thank you all!
Posted by LettuceHeadz - December 1st, 2018
Well looks like I made an account here I never really used this site before (except to play hentai games when I was like 13) but I have a great ton of respect for what it's done and the community it has created and I hope to be a part of it all soon!
As for me, well I'm currently a freelance digital artist hoping to maybe do this for a living one day but theres still a long ways to go before that.. hey I can dream can't I?
I like drawing ladies and lots of lewd art however I still enjoy creating some more uh.. 'serious' stuff I guess? I have aspirations to make comic books one day and to be the words top rated assassin.
And yes, if anyone is wondering, I do take on commisions and you can reach me here at:
or alternatively you can just comment, PM or whatever is easiest for you.
So I look forward to posting many more times here in the future and I hope you will all have me!